Uploading Files for a New Podcast Episode
This tutorial provides a detailed guide on how to upload files for creating a new podcast episode using the upload form embedded in your dashboard.
Let's take a look at how to upload files to us so that we can create a new episode for you. To do that, we're going to use the upload new episode form that is embedded into your dashboard. If you have more than one podcast with us, you can use this top box to toggle back and forth to choose which podcast you're sending us files for. If you just have one podcast, you'll only have one choice here. If you use episode numbers, you can use the episode number box to indicate what the episode number will be for this particular episode. You can use this box to tell us what the title is going to be. This can change at a later time. Just let us know. Otherwise, whatever title you put here is the title that we will use to publish the episode. You can tell us what the publication date will be based on clicking here on the publication date. Let's make this one for Friday, November 15. Click save. If you have any special instructions for editing or anything else you'd like for us to know, you can type those instructions here in the box. To upload files, you can either click the box here or you can just drag files over into the box. Based on the size of the files and the speed of your Internet, it'll take either just a few minutes or several minutes for those files to upload. You can see once they're uploaded, it'll tell you. You can hit submit. Before I hit submit, I'm going to scroll down here and let's take a look at the episodes that are already here, just so we can show you what happens after I click upload. So you can see we have 209, 204, 203, 213. No, 215 though, and that's what we have right here, is episode 215. Let's hit the submit button. It's going to immediately set that episode up in the system and you'll see it here in the box below. There we are, episode 215. So that's how you upload an episode to us for production via the new prop podcast solutions client portal.