Navigating the Files Section of the Portal
This tutorial will guide you through navigating the Files section of the portal, including how to manage your podcast files effectively.
Let's take a look at the Files section or tool for the portal. To navigate to the Files section, simply go to the top navigation. Select Files. Here you'll see a master folder for each of your podcasts. In most cases, you just have one podcast, and so you'll see one master folder here. This particular client has two podcasts, and so you can see that each podcast has its own master folder. We could expand this folder and see that there are two subfolders for each podcast. Again, keeping the files for each podcast separate among each podcast. So each podcast will have a base Files folder and a final files folder. Let's focus on Mouse House Weekly. The base files folder has all the files that we'll use for each episode. These are your global assets for this specific podcast. And so here you have the ability to download each of these assets. Rename it if you need to. You can even delete it if you want to upload a new version. Upload a new version, and then click on that new version and leave a comment. As we have here. I've replaced the old file with this new one. So that's a way for you to update the artwork. In this case, this is a jpeg, so it's artwork. You can upload that or update that file and then leave a comment. To let us know that you've updated that file. Going back to the file manager here. So again, the base files is a way to find the global assets for this podcast. And then you have the final files folder. And within it is a subfolder for each episode or each project that we create. When you upload and create a new episode, a subfolder matching that episode is automatically created by the system. So each episode automatically has its own subfolder created for you when you upload a new episode. Now, this is just the final files, and so if you click through to or open up a folder, you'll see the final files for that respective episode. But you will not find any raw files here for any episode. These are only final files. If you need to update or view the raw files, then you'll need to navigate to that specific project or episode. So we could go to the projects section and then navigate to a specific episode. And then move to the files section for that episode. Here you'll see the final files folder, which will have that folder or that file we were just taking a look at. But if we go back to the previous page and go to the raw files folder here. You'll see the raw files that you uploaded to us when you submitted all of the files for this episode. These are all the files that you gave to us. If you need to add additional files to this or replace a file, you can do that here. To upload a new file, simply drag that file into the folder icon area. And that new file will automatically be uploaded. The page will automatically refresh and you'll see that new file. If you need to replace an episode, simply delete the file that doesn't need to be there. Upload a new file. Once that new file has been uploaded, then you can leave a comment and let us know. Here's the new file. And tag someone from our team, the project manager in this case. And that way we'll know the new file has been uploaded. And so that's the way that you can navigate within the file manager, within the project and within the portal as a whole.