Navigating the Dashboard
This tutorial will guide you through the features available in the Poodcast solutions client portal, focusing on the dashboard elements.
Welcome to the prop Poodcast solutions client portal. Let's take a look at your dashboard here. In the main section of the dashboard, we have a form where you can upload new assets to us to create a new episode. We have a whole video dedicated to this section of the dashboard. Moving across here to the right, we have a section that shows you if you have an outstanding balance. You can click through to view and pay the invoices link right here. That'll take you to the financials section of the portal. As we scroll down a little bit, you'll see the notifications section. This section will tell you all the recent activity for your account, any invoices, or any other activity related to the production process of your episodes. As we scroll down a little bit farther, you'll see the calendar section right here. The current date will be highlighted in that dark blue color. Any other dates that have activity scheduled for them, maybe a project or a task is due to be completed, will be illustrated by a gray circle with a dot on it. Then lastly, we have your project section right here. This is a list of all the projects or episodes that we have for your podcast. You can scroll down through these and see what the current status of each of them is. You can click through to them to take you to the detail for that episode. You can also rearrange and resize your dashboard and the modules that you have here. For example, if I wanted to take this projects section and squeeze it in a little bit. Maybe I want to move the calendar section over here with it. Maybe squeeze that in a little bit to fit that column so that I could see more notifications. I can do that. Just like that. You can rearrange and move each module to create a custom dashboard that suits your preferences.