Overview of the Podcasts Page
This tutorial provides a comprehensive overview of the Podcasts page, detailing its various sections and functionalities.
Let's take a look at the Podcasts page and break down all of the sections of that page. To navigate to the podcast page, go to the top navigation. Click on Podcasts. This page will take you to a listing of all the podcasts that we have for your account. In most cases it'll just be a single podcast. But in some cases, like this one, if you have multiple podcasts, we'll list each of them out here. This gives you a snapshot of your podcast. You'll see the title of the podcast and the different services that we have for that podcast. In this case, you'll see for Mouse House Weekly, we're doing Show Notes, standard editing, Social Image Pack and audiogram. For the Imagineering story, we're just doing our Pro Edit and Show notes. It also allows you to see the different team members that are assigned to each of your podcasts. To get more information about a specific podcast, click through to that podcast. This will take you to the podcast page. You'll see the artwork we have for your podcast here in the left hand column. And then scrolling down that column, you'll see the information we have on the frequency of your podcast. You'll see which day or days your podcast publishes. And then any other notes we have for your podcast, such as your login credentials for your respective accounts. And then below that you'll see the Members section. This lists not only the members for your account, but also for our account. This lists everyone who has access to this specific page both on your side and on our side. You can see a line here that delineates between your team and our team. And then moving into the main middle section, let's go across the top again. We have all the different services that we're providing for this particular podcast. And then as we move down, you'll see the Episodes section and there's a few things that we can do here. This lists all the episodes or projects that we have for your account, and you can see the different levels of progress for each episode. In this case, 216 is four of four tasks complete. And you can see that represented by the complete green circle as a contrast here. The one below it, Space Mountain has one of four tasks complete. And you can see here the green circle is only about 1/4 of the way complete. Scrolling down here to 207, another contrast we see Oogie Boogie Tips has 3 of 4, and this circle is 3/4 of the way complete. If you'd like to expand an episode, you can click on the arrow here and that'll drop down. So you can see the different tasks that are assigned for each episode. And let's go down here to one that's not done yet here, the Monsters or Muppets. We can expand that and see the tasks that are available for each. Each of the tasks available for this episode, who they're assigned to and what the status of them is, as well as the day that they are scheduled to be complete. If you'd like to click through to an episode, simply click on the title of that. That'll take you through to the specific project page. We have an entire separate video breaking down how this page works. So let's go back to the podcasts page. Scrolling down, we can see the global Assets section. This is simply the section that provides you a snapshot into those global assets, the assets we use for each episode. In this case, we see the podcast artwork. Here's a bumper, and here's another file as well. This is probably the music for this particular podcast. You can click the view all to be taken to the file manager. Again, we have an entire video dedicated to the file manager, so we're not going to cover that here. Going back to the podcast page and scrolling down a little bit more here you'll see the activity for this specific podcast. You can click on any one of these to be taken through to the detail for that. For those of you who have come from Basecamp, this will look pretty familiar to you. This is one feature that a lot of people liked with Basecamp and we leaned heavily into that as we were designing this part of the page. But you can click through to an item and see the activity for that specific item. Let's go back to the podcast page. And now take a look at one final item here in the right hand column. This is the calendar and it allows you to scroll through and see each of the tasks and when they are scheduled to be completed with the farthest out date at the top. So in this case, December 20th is the farthest we have anything scheduled. You can see that's an audiogram for episode 211. We also have on that same day, the social image pack for episode 211. And you can scroll down through here and see all of the tasks, their due dates, who's working on them and which episode they belong to. So that's an overview of the podcast page and you can also. One thing I forgot to point out is the episode section. The default is Z to A, which will put the highest most recent numbered episode at the top. And you can resort that by A to Z if that's your preference. So that's an overview of the podcast page.